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PANTHOS – Inclusive Leisure Sports in Natural Spaces

CONTEXT PANTHOS was born in Extremadura in 2016 as the collective effort of a multidisciplinary team of professionals from different sectors – experts in navigation experts, sports technicians, environmental guides or night sky guides – with a common goal: to create an inclusive and...

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Reducing food waste to increase sustainability in tourism

Case study organisation: Viking Line Viking Line is a company that provides passenger and cargo carrier services using the vessels Gabriella, Viking Cinderella, Viking Glory, Viking Grace and Viking XPRS. It serves on routes Turku – Mariehamn (Åland Islands) – Stockholm (Sweden), Helsinki – Mariehamn...

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Fáilte Ireland

CONTEXT Fáilte Ireland is the national tourism body in Ireland. Their role is supporting the long-term sustainable growth across all sectors in Ireland. Fáilte Ireland work in partnership with Government, State Agencies, local authorities and groups to develop tourism across Ireland. They develop...

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Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology (HIMT)

CONTEXT Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology (HIMT) is a Non-profit organization that was established in 1972 and it aims to promote Marine technology both locally within Greece as well as internationally, by applying, enhancing and upskilling scientists and engineers to have the competences...

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Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association

CONTEXT Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA) is an non-profit organization that is based in Greece and that was first established in 1982 by Greek shipowners. The main aim of the organization is driven by the vision of its owners which is to promote environmental awareness...

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Blue Growth

CONTEXT Blue Growth initiative is a national strategy for the sustainable development that was launched in 2016 and its goals is to promote the growth and competitiveness of the marine and maritime sectors in Greece. These goals should always take into consideration the sustainability related...

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