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Donegal Education and Training Board [ETB]

CONTEXT Donegal ETB is the largest education and training provider in Donegal, providing a broad range of education and training services to around 25,000 students and learners on an annual basis. They are based throughout the county of Donegal with outreach centres in all the main towns in the...

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Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology (HIMT)

CONTEXT Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology (HIMT) is a Non-profit organization that was established in 1972 and it aims to promote Marine technology both locally within Greece as well as internationally, by applying, enhancing and upskilling scientists and engineers to have the competences...

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Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association

CONTEXT Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA) is an non-profit organization that is based in Greece and that was first established in 1982 by Greek shipowners. The main aim of the organization is driven by the vision of its owners which is to promote environmental awareness...

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Blue Growth

CONTEXT Blue Growth initiative is a national strategy for the sustainable development that was launched in 2016 and its goals is to promote the growth and competitiveness of the marine and maritime sectors in Greece. These goals should always take into consideration the sustainability related...

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Alqueva – cross-border cooperation in Alqueva region (Extremadura & Portugal)

CONTEXT Cross-border cooperation between Spain and Portugal has been developing for many years, and has played an important role in European stability and integration. The Iberian countries have signed various bilateral and international agreements and treaties that have strengthened relations...

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Zero Emission Services (ZES)

CONTEXT Zero Emission Services (ZES) provides exchangeable energy containers for new and existing inland barges. These containers called ZES packs are charged with green electricity. Once depleted, the skippers can quickly exchange the containers for a fully charges one at one of the exchange...

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