Local Resources – English
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your ecosystem
- https://bim.ie
BIM- Bord Iascaigh Mhara helps to develop the Irish Seafood Industry by providing technical expertise, business support, funding, training and promoting responsible environmental practice. - https://www.localenterprise.ie
Local Enterprise Offices [LEO’s]The Local Enterprise Offices are thel first-stop shop for seeking information and support on starting or growing a business in Ireland. Whether you are a new entrepreneur or an existing small business owner. The Local Enterprise Office provides advice, information and support to you in starting up or growing your business. With 31 dedicated teams across the Local Authority network in Ireland, Local Enterprise Offices offer you a wide range of experience, skills and services. - National Geographic: Que es la economía Azul y porque es tan importante.
La economía azul promueve el crecimiento económico desde un prisma en el que el propio motor del desarrollo se basa en la preservación de los ecosistemas marinos y la sostenibilidad medioambiental. Al igual nos habla de la reciprocidad entre la economia y la conservación, ya que qué sea el principal motor de la economía azul nos lleva a la preservación de los ecosistemas marinos.
Team Management & Staff Training
- https://www.failteireland.ie
Failte Ireland The National Tourism Development Authority, Fáilte Ireland’s role is to support the long-term sustainable growth in the economic, social, cultural and environmental contribution of tourism to Ireland. In addition, Fáilte Ireland supports Business Tourism, managing the bidding for and securing of larger conferences, meetings and events to be hosted in Ireland. Fáilte Ireland are also responsible for domestic holiday marketing across four regional experience brands: Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland’s Ancient East, Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands and Dublin. - https://www.skillnetireland.ie
Skillnet Ireland are the national business support agency of the Irish Government, they work with companies of all sizes to identify and develop the talent they need to succeed through a wide range of. sectoral and regional networks across the country. - https://www.etbi.ie
ETB- Education and Training Boards are the driving force of education and training in the local community across Ireland. They have a clear ambition for the ETB sector to lead in transforming the lives of people, communities and enterprises through education, training and youth work - https://www.atu.ie/about-atu/campus-locations/atu-donegal-letterkenny
Atlantic Technological University (ATU) is one of the largest multi-campus universities in Ireland, serving a diverse group of learners, staff, communities and organisations from our region and further afield. ATU have mass and academic depth to attract, educate, nurture and retain talent in the west, north-west and cross-border region. They offer relevant upskilling opportunities for employees and students in a varitey of ways, including online or a blended approach. They also offered funding and funded courses to enable them to upskill or further their education. - https://www.nwrc.ac.uk/
North West Regional College has five main campuses located in Derry, Limavady and Strabane, and supports over 10,000 student enrolments each year. Learners attend from all parts of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, undertaking Full-Time or Part-Time study programmes in a range of vocational or non-vocational areas. It has 4 academic departments, each catering for school leavers, mature students, professionals, community organisations, and the unemployed.They also provide a variety of upskilling courses meet the needs of the economy as we emerge from the pandemic and grow beyond. There is also funding available for these courses and they are also conducted in a blended, online and class approach depending on your circumstances. - https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/89b3c-learn-new-skills-or-retrain/
The Irish Government provide a range of upskilling opportunities for both the employed and unemployed. Skills Connect is a series of free training and upskilling courses. The courses can include work placements to support you if you’ve lost your job. You can learn new or extra skills that will help you get a new job in the same industry, or find a new role in a new industry. the Back to Education Intiative (BTEI) provides part-time education programmes for young people and adults. It gives participants an opportunity to combine a return to learning with family, work and other responsibilities.
green approach
- https://changemakers.ie/
ChangeMakers is all about global action at a local level. Funded by Irish Aid, Change Makers Donegal started in July 2012. A Global Citizenship Education programme for adults in Donegal, the ChangeMakers project is rooted in the principles of community development. Alongside IDP, there are four Project Partners; Donegal Education & Training Board, Self Help Africa, Trocaire and Concern.
Digital Market & Presence
- https://eushipments.com/trends-and-best-practices-in-digital-marketing-on-international-markets-in-europe/
Hootsuite – Understanding social media demographics will help you fine-tune your marketing strategy and reach the right people with your message. - https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/activities/funding-digital
Shaping Europe’s digital future – Funding for Digital in the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework
Financial Savvy
- Financiación para los proyectos de Economía Azul»
Explica el Real Decreto aprobado por el Consejo de Ministros. Las subvenciones del Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación para financiar proyectos de crecimiento azul y que es lo que se prioriza a la hora de la concesión de subvenciones. - www.etenders.ie
eTenders is Ireland’s national tendering platform, where you can access opportunities to sell to Government - https://www.interact-eu.net/download/file/fid/21890
Fifty Questions on EU Procurement